Notes From the Shop: Stop Signs

Photo by: falcon elizabeth/Flickr

As I mentioned in my column last week, I often bike to work. Lately, while pedaling away, I’ve been thinking a lot about other commuters and their habits around STOP signs—those octagonal, bright red things at intersections that are in place to keep everyone safe.

More and more, it pisses me off that people on bikes don’t seem to realize what these signs mean and instead just blow on by. As I watch this happen I think, “is it really that hard to squeeze those little levers on your handlebars?”

Cars are at fault too.

I’m no poster child for stop signs if we’re being honest. There are times when I don’t come to a full stop. But that’s only at intersections where there are absolutely no other bikes or cars. At busy intersections, I always stop and take my turn.

The problem with people blowing stop signs is that they’re not only putting themselves at risk, but they’re also endangering people like me. There have been too many times when I’ve stopped, looked and then gone, only to have some dumb ass almost hit me.

I have to ask, what’s the damn rush? Where do you need to be that is that f$#%^&# important? Here’s an idea, leave earlier so you don’t need to rush and can enjoy your commute. If you are running late, well tough shit. Getting into work late is better than an accident.