Will This Be the Winter of Knee-Deep Powder in Tahoe?

Buried in the bottom of my closet is the sadness of days past and the hope of winters future.
Buried in the bottom of my closet is the sadness of days past and the hope of winters future. Photo: Jim Merithew/Element.ly

Well, I did it.

I didn’t want to.

In the end I couldn’t help myself.

I buckled to the peer pressure.

All the damn talk of El Nino.

On the very last day.

At the very last possible moment.

I pulled the trigger on a season pass.

A Tahoe season pass.

I want to be giddy with joy.

I want this to be the year.

You know the one, knee-deep powder, sunshine, epic days spent with a giant grin on my face and surrounded by the best of friends. Hot toddies and buffalo wings.

Will this be the year we get enough snow, so I can earn my turns, or at least ski more than three runs of man-made Sierra sadness.

Only time will tell.