From skewers to Klampers, it’s no secret that Paul Component makes some really sweet parts to go along with your equally bling bike. Don’t even get me started on their annual limited edition run of colors because those look even better in person, as in just shut up and take my money now gorgeous.
Paul has been making stems for quite some time but people have been relentlessly bugging them lately about making a 35mm long, er, 35mm short stem to go with their new mountain bikes.
So Paul listened.

Here comes the zero degree, 35mm Boxcar stem. It may look similar to other stems but each of the Boxcars is painstakingly made in Chico, California with 20 different end mills, drills, saws and taps to within .002” tolerance out of a solid block of American made 2024 aluminum alloy. A human hair is .015” FYI.
The result is a 118-gram beaut including all hardware. Speaking of hardware, the fasteners are stainless steel T25 Torx.
The 35mm boxcar is available now in black, silver, polished, and the current limited edition color which is blue at the moment. Prices are $123 for the anodized versions and $135 for the polished ones.