DeFeet BeSpoke pulls a crowdfunding solo breakaway

The new sock game. Photo: Stephen Lam/

Going into my meeting with DeFeet at PressCamp, I fully expected it to be all about socks and arm warmers.

I was (half) wrong. When I was told DeFeet Bespoke was “the world’s first cycling specific crowdfunding site,” I was like, oh great, more Kickstarters, another give me money but I am going to shut down in six months unicorn-esque pitch, or is it another cycling spin on etsy?

Well, no. Let me break it down for ya.

DeFeet Bespoke is essentially DeFeet’s small-batch U.S. made product program that would be cost prohibitive for a normal production run but made possible if it was 100% funded directly by consumers prior to production. A funding campaign will range from 2-4 weeks.

Photo: Stephen Lam/

Items such as this pouch that has a special rubberized fabric in collaboration with Yanco, or the gorgeous and surprisingly comfy Woolie Boolie sock hand dyed with natural dyes from Wild Earth Textiles (top) are samples of what the program could bring while backed with DeFeet’s manufacturing knowhow.

They are considering raising their jacket project literally from the ashes, after the North Carolina factory was completely destroyed in a massive 2001 fire that required assistance from eleven fire departments from three counties.

Originally launched during PressCamp, DeFeet BeSpoke had some initial web issues but the program is back today with more items slated to go on the site soon. Get in there and up your sock game, among other things.