If you haven’t already heard of or entered the Back On Trail benefit raffle to help restore trails impacted by last year’s devastating fires in Santa Rosa and Santa Barbara, here’s your final chance as the raffle will close tomorrow February 28th at midnight. Two lucky winners will be announced on March 1st and will ride away with one of the two custom painted Santa Cruz Hightower LT with components from Fox, White Industries, Shimano, and Wilderness Trail Bikes. Each raffle ticket is $5 and there’s no limit on how many you can purchase.
All proceeds will go to restoration projects by the Redwood Empire Mountain Bike Alliance in Trione-Annadel State Park and Skyline Wilderness Park while Santa Barbara Mountain Bike Trail Volunteers will spearhead efforts to restore the historic Santa Cruz (“Little Pine”), Buckhorn Trails, as well as rebuilding Snyder Trail (“Knapp’s Castle”) in conjunction with Los Padres National Forest.